
Броценский - АВ "Broceni"

Дата публикации: 22.07.2009 Количество просмотров: 6318

АВ "Broceni"




Броценский цементно-шиферный комбинат. В 20-х годах 20-го столетья профессор Ейжен Розенштейн обнаружил богатые залежи известняка на побережье Циецерского озера и доказал необходимость его использования в производстве. Уже в 1928 году Рижский цементный завод работал на основе сырья, полученного здесь, так называемым, акционерным обществом Шмидта (А/О Ch.Schmit). В 1936 году фирма им. Шмидта начинает строительство цементного завода в Броценах. Проект строительства комбината был разработан Рижским проектным бюро Эдуарда Вейса совместно с датской фирмой Ф.Л. Шмидта. Строительные работы велись под руководством инженера Николая Золднера. Была проложена железная дорога между заводом и известняковыми карьерами. В то время Броценское предприятие было одним из современнейших заводов в мире. В 1939-1940 годах в Броценах был построен еще и цех по производству шифера. Архитектор здания – М.Луцис. В 1940-х годах продукция комбината широко экспортировалась. В годы советской власти цеха были национализированны и объединены в один Броценский цементно-шиферный комбинат. В годы Второй мировой войны на месте сегодняшнего шиферного цеха находился концентрационный лагерь для пленных. The history of cement production in Latvia dates back to the end of the last century, when the C.CH.Schmidt Riga cement factory started operating in 1867. The main raw material of cement was limestone, which was once bought from abroad. However, due to research made on the bank of Lake Ciecere where limestone deposits were found at the end of the 20th century, Riga cement plant started to use limestone from Latvia. A new era began in Latvian cement production. The management of C.CH.Schmidt took the decision to construct a cement plant in Broceni in 1936. In February 1938, construction work was completed and cement production started. The estimated plant capacity was 60 thousand tons of cement per year. Nowadays, the limestone quarry in the territory of BrocЁҐni has been estimated to have 1 billion 350 million tons of natural resources. Broceni cement plant consumes approximately 600 thousand tons of limestone per year in the production of cement. The second important raw material of cement is clay, which can also be found in the territory of Broceni. Estimated reserves amount to 480 million tons. A huge capital investment in the Broceni cement factory was made during the period between 1942 and 1944.

Two kilns, a limestone crusher, a slurry mill, a coal mill and two cement mills were installed. Four slurry silos, new clinker burning and grinding blocks were built. The war affected Broceni as well and the Broceni cement factory restarted production only in June 1947, producing 14.2 thousand tons of cement in a year. February 1948 marked significant time for the Broceni cement plant, since "Broceni cement and slate factory" was established, consolidating the Broceni cement plant, the Broceni slate plant, the Broceni lime plant and the Saldus brick plant. The present cement plant Broceni was known under this name for around 45 years in Latvia and the territory of the former Soviet Union. Between 1946 and 1950 Broceni became the largest cement factory in Latvia due to the great volumes of cement produced there. 1968 brought a new era in the process of cement production - the coal for heating the clinker-burning kilns was substituted with natural gas. In the eighties, Broceni cement and slate plant produced cement, limestone, slate, lime, limestone meal and glazed tiles. At the end of 1994 a German cement company Readymix Zement GmbH became one of shareholders of the Broceni holding company. In 1995, cement production became the mainstream operation of Broceni. At the beginning of 2002 the main shareholder of BrocЁҐni sold its shares to an international holding Rugby Holding B.V., which owned one of the world's biggest building materials producers and distributors ЁC RMC Group p.l.c. Rugby Holding B.V. wanted to be the only shareholder of BrocЁҐni in Latvia, and a shared purchase agreement with Latvijas Gaze was signed in July 2002. Latvenergo's shareholding was also bought out in in October 2003. By the end of 2003 Rugby Holding BV owned 99,99% of the shares. In October 2002, Rugby Holding B.V. became the owner of Rigas transporta betons ltd. As a result, Rigas transporta betons ltd. changed its name to RMC Baltic ltd. The reorganization process was completed in March 2005, and RMC Baltic ltd. was consolidated with Broceni, RMC Transport Baltic ltd. and Brocenu vides un attistibas serviss ltd. In April of the same year the name RMC Baltic ltd. was changed to CEMEX ltd due to a change of shareholders in the RMC group. 

In summer of 2007, CEMEX started construction of Europe's most modern cement plant in Broceni, which is planned to be completed in 2009. Total investment of the project is approximately 250 million Euros. In March of 2009 commissioning of the cement plant is started. Broceni can take pride in being one of the oldest and most experienced cement production companies in the Baltic States offering high-quality products that meet all of today is progressive standards. Following the acquisition of the international supplier of building materials RMC Group o.l.c., CEMEX became the owner of Broceni cement plant in March of 2005. In July 2007 CEMEX officially began construction of the most modern cement plant in Europe in Broceni. The new cement plant in Broceni meets the international standards of environmental protection, and it will be commissioned in the beginning of 2009. CEMEX has invested approximately 250 million Euros in the development of the cement plant in Broceni, which is the largest investment in Latvia's industrial sector since the country regained its independence. Currently, the capacity of Broceni cement plant is approximately 600 thousand tons per year, but after the opening of the new plant it will be able to produce up to 1.6 million tons of cement per year.






  • Приемная: +(371) 6703-34-00, 6703-35-00 (телефон)
  • Приемная:  +(371) 6703-34-14   (факс)
  • Отдел продаж: +(371) 6703-35-28 (телефон)
  • Отдел продаж: +(371) 6703-35-30 (факс)



  • Председатель правления: Юрис Рейсонс 



  • Способ производства - сухой;
  • Топливо - натуральный газ;
  • Сырье - известняк (месторождение "Сатини"), глина, мел.


(Синим шрифтом выделены товары, к которым прилагаются технические характеристики)

  • CEM I 42,5 R
  • CEM I 42,5 N
  • CEM II/B-M (S,T) 42,5 N
  • CEM II/B-M (S,T) 42,5 R



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